Source code for fasjson.tests.unit.test_web_app

import json
import os
import types

import pytest
from flask_restx import abort

from import create_app

[docs] def test_app_gss_forbidden_error(client): rv = client.get("/") assert rv.status_code == 403 body = json.loads( assert "message" in body assert body["message"].startswith("Invalid credentials") assert body["message"].endswith("Minor (2529639107): No credentials cache found)")
[docs] def test_app_default_unauthorized_error(client, mocker): creds_factory = mocker.patch("gssapi.Credentials") creds_factory.return_value = types.SimpleNamespace(lifetime=0) rv = client.get("/") body = json.loads( assert rv.status_code == 401 assert body == {"message": "Credential lifetime has expired"}
[docs] def test_app_default_notfound_error(client, gss_user): rv = client.get("/notfound") body = json.loads( assert rv.status_code == 404 assert body.get("message") is not None
[docs] def test_app_default_internal_error(client, gss_user): @client.application.route("/500") def fivehundred(): x = [] return x[10] # Don't catch the exception in the testing framework client.application.config["TESTING"] = False rv = client.get("/500") body = json.loads( assert rv.status_code == 500 assert body.get("message") is not None
[docs] def test_app_registered_error(client, gss_user): @client.application.route("/403") def forbidden(): abort(403, "forbidden", foo="bar") rv = client.get("/403") body = json.loads( assert rv.status_code == 403 assert body == {"foo": "bar", "message": "forbidden"}
[docs] def test_webserver_error(anon_client): for code in (401, 403, 500): rv = anon_client.get(f"/errors/{code}") assert rv.status_code == code body = json.loads( assert "message" in body
[docs] @pytest.fixture def temp_config(tmpdir): config_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, "testing.cfg") with open(config_path, "w") as config_file: config_file.write("DUMMY = 'dummy'\n") os.environ["FASJSON_CONFIG_PATH"] = config_path yield del os.environ["FASJSON_CONFIG_PATH"]
[docs] def test_configuration_file(temp_config, app): with app.test_request_context("/"): assert app.config.get("DUMMY") == "dummy"
[docs] def test_logging_config(mocker): dictConfig = mocker.patch("") logging_config = { "version": 1, "root": {"level": "DEBUG", "handlers": []}, } create_app(config={"LOGGING": logging_config}) dictConfig.assert_called_with(logging_config)