# Release notes All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/), and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). This project uses [*towncrier*](https://towncrier.readthedocs.io/) and the changes for the upcoming release can be found in [the `news` directory](https://github.com/fedora-infra/fasjson/tree/develop/news/). ## v1.6.0 Released on 2023-09-21. This is a feature release that adds the `rssurl` field. ### Features - Add the rssurl field (#558). ### Bug Fixes - Don't crash when a user has no groups (#399). - Don't crash when group is a sponsor of a group (#444). ### Contributors Many thanks to the contributors of bug reports, pull requests, and pull request reviews for this release: - Aurélien Bompard - Lenka Segura - Pedro Moura ## v1.5.0 Released on 2022-08-29. This is a feature release that adds `rhbzemail` field searching. ### Features - Allow search by rhbzemail field (#370). ### Contributors Many thanks to the contributors of bug reports, pull requests, and pull request reviews for this release: - Aurélien Bompard - Michal Konečný ## v1.4.0 Released on 2022-06-30. This is a feature release that adds exact value search and GitHub username search. ### Features - Allow searching for the exact value (#266). - Add a way to search users with GitHub usernames (#348). The `creation_before` search term has been renamed to `creation__before` for coherence. This is technically a backwards incompatible change, but the term has only been added a few days ago and not advertised, so I'm fairly confident noone uses it yet. ## v1.3.0 This is a feature release that adds user search terms. ### Features - Add the `human_name` and `creation_before` search terms for users (#343). ### Development Improvements - Upgrade the Vagrant VM to F36 (#343). ### Contributors Many thanks to the contributors of bug reports, pull requests, and pull request reviews for this release: - Aurélien Bompard - Stephen Coady ## v1.2.1 Released on 2022-05-16. ### Development Improvements - Allow users to set bugzilla email using fasRHBZEmail attribute (#288). - Update dependencies - Drop support for Python < 3.9 ### Contributors Many thanks to the contributors of bug reports, pull requests, and pull request reviews for this release: - Aurélien Bompard - Pedro Moura - Stephen Coady ## v1.2.0 Released on 2021-11-05. ### Features - Add some more user fields: `github_username`, `gitlab_username`, `website`, and `pronouns` (#213). ### Bug Fixes - Respect user's privacy setting on the search endpoint (#257). ## v1.1.0 This is a feature release. ### Features - Field mask support: request more or less object attributes with a HTTP header (#144). - Expose users' SSH keys (#186). ### Bug Fixes - Display indirect groups as well (#188). ### Contributors Many thanks to the contributors of bug reports, pull requests, and pull request reviews for this release: - Aurélien Bompard ## v1.0.0 This is a the first stable release, as deployed in production in the Fedora infrastructure on March 24th 2021. ### Contributors Many thanks to the contributors of bug reports, pull requests, and pull request reviews for this release: - Aurélien Bompard - Stephen Coady